Here goes nothing…


So this my very first blog ever and I am a wee bit nervous. Sometimes or usually it is good to do something new. Especially when everyday is the same.


We wake up every morning around 6am, have coffee, chat, usually pray and read from the Word and then our day starts. Mine is usually overflowing with work and caring for our (almost) 11month old son. After a full day of work etc it’s bathtime and dinnertime. By the time I get into bed I am dead tired and can hardly keep my eyes open. So where in all this madness will I find time to study the word of God, let alone be a Prov. 31 wife to my husband? I don’t know, but with God’s Spirit in me I CAN DO THIS! 

So here’s to many more blogging! Promise it will become more inspiring. LoL!

Good night!


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